.i’m on my way to the future.

Friday, January 1, 2010

~it's new year again..~

~heLL0 2010....say0nara 2009~

yeayy!! an0ther new year t0 begin...0f c0z bende yg bermain lam pikiran k0rg is azam...
azam taun baru aku..?? ermm ade ker...haha..
malas nk wat azam baru tahun ni sbb k0nfirm x mnjadi sgt...tp yg pnting azam aku still same cam yg lepas2..just need t0 struggle m0re t0 success it...sudddenly dpt ilham nk tulis bnde neh...this is real st0ry 0k..i mean my 0wn sentences and idea...hayati....

0ne windy aftern0on...i'm sitting 0n the bench under 0ne r0of by the side 0f the r0ad....i'm just letting myself watching pe0ple's behavi0ur ar0und me....i saw a lady cr0ssing the r0ad with a plastic bag on her hand c0ntain 0f f0od maybe...i saw her face crinkle as the sunshine t0uch her skin...i keep watching her and 0thers fr0m the place i stay...suddenly i was thinking...i'm w0ndering d0 they happy with their life?? i answer t0 myself...'i d0n't kn0w'...and i ask that questi0n t0 myself...'d0 i happy with my life..??' i still answer t0 myself...'i d0n't kn0w'...yet i've f0und 2 answer 4 that questi0n...first~i'm happy with my life...why?? bec0z i've f0und that i get everything...and i guess i'm n0t having the life that t0ugher like s0me0ne else d0...i've family that l0ve me...friends that care 4 me...and the best part i have a healthy b0dy....that was the best gift that ALLAH has give t0 me...i'm s0 grateful...and i kn0w n0t every0ne is lucky as i am...there is still a human that is l0nely and d0n't have family 0r friends..again i'm grateful...sec0nd 0ne~i'm n0t happy with my life...why?? bec0z i'm still n0t the best am0ng 0thers..i still d0n't get what i want and what i aim...i d0n't kn0w much ab0ut kn0wledge and i d0n't kn0w why...d0es all my answer relevant...?? i still answer 'i d0n't kn0w'...what i kn0w much..? maybe having fun with my friends and d0ing all the things that wasting and meaningless 4 the wh0le day...hurmm...i keep thinking ab0ut this...i talked t0 myself 'u need t0 change dear'...then i pr0mise t0 myself that i want t0 change every single negative part in myself..i h0pe i c0uld make it...suddenly the l0ud s0und pr0duce by the m0t0rcyclist everytime they pass me bring me t0 the real life...and the lady that cr0ssing the r0ad als0 has g0ne fr0m my sight...as the time pass by and the night is g0ing appear as well as the m0on and the star is g0ing t0 take their shift,the r0ad begin t0 bec0me quiet...quiet as my m0uth at that time...then i walk h0me al0ne leaving that place with s0rt 0f things keep playing in my mind...with a new h0pe,new spirit,new task and new adventure...i will make it as my wish c0z we're g0ing t0 face the new year 2010...i h0pe everything is m0ving 0n as what had been plan....all best als0 t0 u guys...;)

.....welc0me 2010 tata 2009.....

~happy new year u guys!!!~

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