.i’m on my way to the future.

Monday, January 18, 2010

~yeayy! relieved!~


yeayy!! i'm really happy t0day...why? because i had just submitted our assignment for MTC 037...this assignment i'm not doing with tikah and warda as i usually did but this time i'm doing it with my beloved r0omates, intan (luv u la!) even u kne balik t0 jengka this weekend...and als0 another person that i'm n0t use with but i will try t0 get along with her from n0w onwards..her name is jaffiqa *eppy*...welc0me t0 my life darl! bef0re this i always heard ur name fr0m intan and niena and n0w i can w0rk t0gether wif u..ngeeee~....

after w0rking f0r h0urs and days...lastly i've finished it and i'm really happy but quite curi0us with the c0ntent of my assignment. i'm n0t sure whether what i've d0ne is the 0ne that madam Farah want..i h0pe its true and she will satiesfied with our work....aminnn...n0w i quite relieved but it d0esn't last long as i have th0usand 0f w0rks and 0ther assignments need t0 be d0ne by end 0f this m0nth...including all the past year question..ya Allah! make me str0ng t0 face all this...please lead me t0 success...amiiinnn...

thats 0nly ab0ut assignment, suddenly i remember ab0ut MUET!..i have d0ne n0thing ab0ut it...but my 0ther h0usemates have settle it d0wn by t0day..! 0h no what sh0uld i d0..? i kn0w n0thing ab0ut it..luckyly i have warda...i'm planning t0 ask her help and we will g0 t0gether t0 p0st 0ffice t0 settle it..h0pe it w0n't taka a l0ng time... i'm tired t0 d0 all this things!

hurmm...why sh0uld i take it again...am i s0 bad 0r stupid 0r what?? 0ne by 0ne burden c0me int0 my life till sumtime i feel like i d0n't want t0 live anym0re...huhu but luckily i've given strength t0 face all this! E'an str0ng!! Gambateh! Never give up e'an...! thanks ya Allah......at the m0ments Y0u send me hardness, at the same time Y0u give me strength and way t0 solve it....d0n't let me lose fr0m this game 0f life that have s0 much 0bstacle...

hurmm...t0night i've class at 8 p.m.....with wh0..?? wh0 else 0f c0z my bel0ved dr.J....luv u d0ct0r..! i w0n't late f0r t0night! missing u a l0t as we just met 0nce a week..hehehe...for me having a class at night make me calm and enj0y every m0ment with the lecturer and my classmates..i think i'm m0re f0cus and n0t sleepy at all...haha...ab0ut sleepy just s0metimes la..huhu...it is s0 quiet and very suitable f0r practising the listening test...hurmmm can i take my listening test at night f0r my c0ming MUET..?? 0f c0z n0t...huh!

i've already take my dinner...very early huh! just after clas at 5 p.m...i skip my lunch t0day..s0 d0n't ask me why if i had bad st0mach ache...haha...str0ng e'an! u're usual with it..huhu...i need t0 take bath early t0day..s0 g0 n0w..! bubye! h0pe t0night's class will be enj0yable and n0t b0ring...wish me luck! hehe....


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